Bible Way Church of Saluda
Join us at the Bible Way Church of Saluda where "Everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord!"
502 Fruit Hill Rd
Saluda, SC 29138
(803) 275-4384
District Elder Johnnie Bush Sr. (1918-1993)
Mother Alice Stevens Bush (1924-2009)
Elder Jerry Simmons &
Lady Sandra J. Simmons
Elder Johnnie E. Williams(1945-2012)
Lady Hattie L. Williams
Sunday School 10am
Sunday Worship 11:40am
Prayer & Bible Study (Thursdays) 7:00pm
Choir Rehearsal (Mondays) 7:30pm
Women of Excellence(Every 2nd Saturday) 10:30am -12 noon
Elder Theadore Collins &
Lady Bernette Collins